1. When Will My Order Ship?

      Orders are normally shipped within 24-48 hours, however, in some cases, longer shipping times may apply.


    2. How Do I Track My Order?

      Finding tracking information for your order is simple and easy with Heat Print Hub.

      Just click "Track Your Order" in the top menu or click here

    3. How Do I Cancel My Order? To cancel an order, please contact us directly at info@heatprinthub.comOrder cancellations must be requested prior to the item shipping. If the order is in process, there is no guarantee that it can be canceled, at which point you can request a return on the product once it has been received.This would be subject to return shipping as well as possible restocking fees depending on the product.Orders can be canceled any time up until the actual shipment and are typically processed right away, however refunds may take up to 5 business days.
    4. What If My Item Arrives Damaged? 

      If your item has arrived either damaged in transit or in less-than-perfect working condition, please contact us immediately at info@heatprinthub.com. To assist in our claims process, we kindly request that photos of the damaged product be sent via email.

    5. Why I Didn't Receive My Full Order?

      When an order is placed sometimes they are fulfilled by multiple warehouses.

      When this is the case multiple packages will be shipped often at different times. We try our best to assign orders to ship from the warehouse closest to your location allowing you to enjoy your products faster than shipping from a location that is further away.

      If your order contains an items that are back ordered or pre-ordered, they will be shipped as soon as they become available.Our team will work diligently to notify you if there are any issues such as an out of stock item, shipping delay, or the like.